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3.Cent. London是什么意思
油价52美元在4月2日(新华)股票飙升使美元软弱,汹涌奔腾上向上飞升--原油回来在52美国美元,一星期四桶右手击球员的左后方场地经过一在股票市场和一减弱的美元中强劲的上升支持的之上跳. 亮,甜美未加工对于五月投递获得4.25美元或者几乎百分之9在54.64美元把一只桶传给商人的交流.油价一直在紧密随着股本的波动到来.当美国财政会计标准板放松记号-向-市场规定和G20领袖在伦敦同意增强全球性经济复苏时,星期四随着所有的主修课召集华尔街把上升的百分之以上百分之2编入索引. 投资者基本上对负的报告失业数据和天然气盘货应付一个创纪录的高点无所谓.美国劳动部门说在超过26年中失业水平是最高和美国能源Department的能源信息管理报告天然气inventories支持住在朝派地面下层存储在朝派较低48州are32.1百分之一高与相比一年前和百分之22.4在上方的五-年平均为. 在伦敦,布伦特未加工的对于五月投递上升4.31美元,在52.75美元把一只桶传给冰未来中交换.
悬赏翻译 高手帮忙
For decades, rich and cheap energy provides the impetus for the development of the world economy . The world's electricity consumption is expected to increase dramatically over the next decade. Wind power technology is particularly suited to meet this demand of electricity. With the continuous improvement of transmission network and distribution network, and the dependence of various economic sectors on electrical equipment, power generation technology, such as wind turbines, is becoming more and more important.
At the beginning of the 20th century, small windmills were used in the United States, Scandinia and elsewhere to pump water and generate electricity.In addition to thousands of small wind turbines, a number of experimental large-scale wind power systems are also built in North America and Europe.In the 1950s, however, wind turbines were replaced by fossil-fueled, low-cost centralized power plants.Until 14, the world's oil prices increased by 300%,the wind turbine was re-considered as an alternative energy. In the 10s, -funded research and development programs were deployed all over the world, particularly in North America and Europe.Government and industry advocacy of wind power technology research and development has led to the emergence of modern wind power industry.
Cent. London是什么意思
原句:Cent. London
翻译: 在纽约为
The proportion fell to 65 per cent in London.
The data show the share of speculators betting oil prices will rise as a percentage of the market was last week 18.3 per cent in New York, but 9.cent in London.
Of the three selling centres, Hong Kong has the lowest percentage of lots sold via the internet, at only 10 per cent, compared with 15 per cent in New York and 22 per cent in London.
Latly, with the recovery of the world's economy, the demand of the curual oil dramastically increased out of people's expectation. Terrorist attack, strike and the instability of politics for the oil producing countries plusing the speculator's advocate, cause the oil price to sour to 49.40 dollor on August 20th, which is the highest in the last two decades. And this arise people's highly attention. For China, we are in the process of the fast developement, our demand for the oil increase abruptly, the high price of the oil will definately bring some negelative effects to the running of our economy and people's life. However, how deep the affection goes? Will it be something we can handle?
This article will analyse affection of the increasing oil price to our economy, and bring up some suggestions on how to solve it.
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